Hello All:
Well this is long overdue and I have to make time to update my blog on a more regular basis. Lots has happened since November 24th, that's for sure. I'll ty to keep this short and somewhat to the point but here is a snap shot of all the good the bad and the ugly since the end of November.
First of all, my first trip to Las Vegas was in the first week of December and my good fellow ultra man Pat and I participated in the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon. I've never done a marathon before and I was excited to learn that 44,000 other people would be participating in the half and full marathon events. Little did i know that 40,000 were in the half and I would be sandwiched somewhere in the middle of that pack once i completed my first half. Luckily I had no experience with this and thought it to be somewhat normal, all i was there for was to run, enjoy the lights, colors and people of Las Vegas. I finished my first marathon (24.6 miles) to those who I've told my story, to all others....read on, and I got to the finish line (the 26.2 mile one) in 3:54:30, pretty happy with my first attempt and special thank you to two Oakville ladies, Christine and Erin (sure hope i got that right). You two helped me through the middle of the race and Erin pulled me from 25 miles to 26.2.
Ok so here is my 24.6 marathon distance story: the first 23.9 miles went very well and I was extremely pleased with my progress and timing along the way. When i got to the 24 mile sign along the strip in Vegas i somehow convinced myself that a marathon was 24.6 miles long, my watch said around 3:32 and i was very excited that all i had to do was another 600 yards in 7 or 8 minutes and my first marathon would be in the books and i'd have met my goal and exceeded it by 20 minutes. Pretty damn good and pretty easy I thought so I started to sprint, put my ipod onto one of my favorite songs and took off like a rocket. Needless to say, it was a really long and tiring 600 yards and imagine my dissapointment as i approached the 25 mile sign. It wasn't until this point it dawned on me that a road marathon was 26.2 miles and not 24.6 miles and the 100 or so people i passed from 24 to 25 were surely confused about my new found energy and speed. Well i ran a sub 8 minute mile from 24 to 25 but had little or no gas left to finish the final 1.2 miles (a full marathon distance as luck would have it).
This is were Erin from Oakville comes in. At the 25 mile sign she caught me and asked me how it was going, I was pretty tired and even thought about walking the final stretch of the race. Thankfully Erin wouldn't let that happen and 10 or 12 minutes later we were entering the finishing corral and my first marathon (and most likely my last) was completed in under 4 hours. Goal reached, off the bucket list.
My training since Vegas has been going pretty well. Of course I've taken some time off that i shouldn't have, I've shorten runs I shouldn't have but i've added miles on some days and ran on the days I've felt great, hopefully it all comes out in the wash. I made a plan to run 3 times during the week and at least one long run on weekends, do date that has gone as planned. With Beast (1 of 12) just a day and a half away of course there are tons of questions. What am i doing? Am I ready? Should I have taken this week off? Why am i tired? Do i have everything packed? I'm going to MEC after i finish writing this tonight, what do I need there? Why am i going there again? Can't Saturday just get here already? Geeezzzzzz
Two weekends ago I participated in Run 4R Kids at York University. This is a short 230 metre indoor traack event adn this year was 6 hours in length. I learned a lot that day as well. First and foremost, runners are the most amazing group of people on our planet. What a great bunch of people, always supportive and so cool to see people who knew my name and I didn't know there's but it was so great to finally meet them and put a face to a name. It was great to meet Steve for the first time, talked on Facebook a few times, shared information but first time we actually introduced oursleves. Felt really good to run along side of Jack for 5 or 6 laps until I could no longer keep up. Of course Michelle did an amazing job that day and I was more happy about her passing her goal and doing such a great job. Mare, what can we say about you, you're a machine girl, it's always a pleasure seeing how strong you are. I hope the first 50 miles this weekend I have enough gas in the tank to keep you company. Don't forget our deal though, no waiting on me... Pinky Swear!
Maryka, easily the most consitent runner of all times. You are amazing. Cathy, wow! each week on Daily Mile you log more miles than i do, you do the spin classes etc. Which one of us is training for a 100 miler? I completed 58.8 kms in 6 hours, I went witih a goal of 53.6 so I was happy to get past the goal but based on how good i felt for the first two hours I was a bit dissapointed in how the 3rd and 4th hours went for me, it was a big wall and really slowed me down.
Of course Run 4R Kids is all about my friend Scott. What an amazing story he is and certainly serves as an inspiration to me and when i get some pictures posted on the web site it should be no suprise to anyone that any shots of Scotty G and I together we have a huge grin on our face or we are laughing out of control. How can you not love being around a guy that always makes you feel that happy? Congraulations Scotty another great event and it is always great to see you.
I would also like to thank a huge group of people. Michelle for all of your understading and putting up with this crazy schedule, Ken for pacing and helping at Run 4R Kids, Maryka, Jodi. Mare and Cathy for listening to me in Palgrave during our training runs, I know i talk to much. Thanks for putting up with all of that. To Diane (Dirty Di) for the great job on my web site and not being made every time I make a change (daily by the way) and to Artek Promotions for the over the top generosity on the donation of http://www.12in12.ca/ technical shirts for the events this coming year.
Well 12in12 starts in 40 hours. I'm excited, I'm nervous but most of all i'm thankful for all my family, my friends and all of the well wishes I have received over the past few months. I can't wait to share this with all of those who are interested in hearing about it and thank you all in advance for listening and putting up with me.
Thanks Mich, this is something I could have even started without you....xoxox
I promise to write next week about Beast of Burden. Buckle number one!
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